Change special objectsΒΆ

image0 Other menus -> Specials menu

image1 Selection/deselection objects

image2 Special objects

The following actions can be done on selected objects :


image3 Move
image4 Press m

Move selected objects.

By pressing and keep down the shift key and moving the mouse cursor, the moving center will change.

Move to another layer

image5 Copy/move special -> Move objects to -> Select layer

The selected objects will be moved to the selected layer.


image6 Copy
image7 Press C

Copy selected objects.

By pressing and keep down the shift key and moving the mouse cursor, the moving center will change.

Copy to another layer

image8 Copy/move special -> Copy objects to -> Select layer

The selected objects will be copied to the selected layer.


image9 Modify object -> Rotate objects
image10 Press R

In the next dialogbox the rotation angle should be filled in. In this dialogbox are some options for rotation centers. After OK the selected objects will be rotated.


image11 Modify object -> Scale objects

In the next dialogbox the scale factor should be filled in. After OK the selected objects will be scaled.


image12 Delete button
image13 Delete
image14 Press Del

Delete selected objects.

Change line thickness

image15 Modify object -> Change line thickness

Change the line width of the selected objects.

Change circle diameter

image16 Modify object -> Change circle diameter

Change the diameter of the selected circle objects.

Change arc width/height

image17 Modify object -> Change arc width/height

Change the width/height of the selected arc objects.

Change arc angles

image18 Modify object -> Change arc angles

Change the start/end angle of the selected arc objects.

Change rectangle width/height

image19 Modify object -> Change rectangle width/height

Change the width/height of the selected rectangle objects.

Change text

image20 Modify object -> Change text
image21 Press e

In the next dialogbox the selected text can be changed.

Change text height

image22 Modify object -> Change text height

In the next dialogbox the textheight of selected text objects can be changed.

Mirror X

image23 Modify object -> Mirror objects X

The selected objects will be X mirrored.

Mirror Y

image24 Modify object -> Mirror objects Y

The selected objects will be Y mirrored.

Cut from polygon


Cut from polygon -> Polyline



Horizontal trace

Vertical trace

With this function, the selected polygon can be changed by cutting with an object. There are three cutout possibilities, with a circle, rectangle, horizontal trace, vertical trace and a polyline.

Polyline : When drawing this polyline use the the right mouse button menu to change the drawing direction, goto the previous polyline point (Backwards) and to finish the polyline drawing. After finishing the polyline drawing and the polyline does not contain any crossings of lines, the area enclosed by the polyline will be cut from the powerplane.

Rectangle : A rectangle will be visible. The rectangle can be changed by pressing the shift key. When the spacebar has been pressed a dialogbox will be visible. The width,height parameters of the rectangle can be entered. Every time the left mouse button is pressed the rectangle area will be cutout from the powerplane. To leave this function by the ESC key or use the right mouse button menu.

Circle : Same as the rectangle cutout.

Horizontal trace : Same as the rectangle cutout.

Vertical trace : Same as the rectangle cutout.

Calculate area polygon

image26 Calculate area polygon

The area of the selected polygon will be shown.

View vertices polygon

image27 View vertices polygon

The vertices of the selected polygon will be shown.