Add pinbusΒΆ

image0 Press Add pinbus button
image1 Press P
image2 Add pinbus

A pinbus is special pin definition, to replace a series of standard pins. For example if a numbers of pins for a databus should added to the symbol, a pinbus can be used instead of adding every pin of the databus separately. In digital designs with a CPU and memory devices pinbusses are very useful.

To add a pinbus use one of the above three actions. After the function is activated a dialogbox is visible. The dialogbox consists of four edit boxes, and two series of radiobuttons. The first editbox is the edit box for the pin numbers (pinnames) separated by commas. The second editbox is the edit box for the pin label. The third editbox is the editbox for the pin text. This pintext will be added as normal text. In the fourth editbox the amount of pins has to be filled in. With the two series radiobuttons the electrical direction and electrical type can be selected, for the pinbus that will be added. After clicking OK, the pinbus can be placed. To mirror or rotate the pinbus press the right mouse button.

The amount of pinnumbers separated by commas and the value in the pin count editbox has to be the same. There is a maximum of 64 pins for a pinbus.