Instructions for building/compiling PCB elegance 3.50

Unpack the zip [ 14 Mb ] file into an empty directory. ( For example c:\pcbeleg35 )

The source code for PCB elegance 3.5 can be build/compiled with:

For VC2005 open the solution file vc2005\pcbeleg.sln. The solution contains all the projects for pcb elegance 3.5. When doing a rebuild (Debug/release) all executables/libraries are being compiled. If you have a multi core processor than all processer cores (including hyper treads) are being used for compiling/building.

For VC2010 open the solution file vc2010\pcbeleg.sln. Compiling/building is the same as for VC2005. If you have a multi core processor than all processer cores (including hyper treads) are being used for compiling/building.

Using mingw (Minimalist GNU for windows):

If you want to use the mingw build system, you will need its build system. It can be downloaded from If you are not familiar with the gcc build system you might want to check the following link:

There are a few scripts that can be used to build the entire system:

For the mingw build environment you will have to work with the windows command shell. The standard windows command shell (cmd.exe), has its drawbacks. There are however replacements. Check the link  (search for console)